Kiva Work pricing

Are you ready to invest to your people?

Less than 50 employees

250€ / month

Billed annually

51 - 100 employees

400€ / month

Billed annually

101 - 499 employees

650€ / month

Billed annually

500+ employees

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Billed annually

Kiva Customer pricing

Alle 100 vastaajaa

250€ / month

Billed annually

101 - 500 vastaajaa

400€ / month

Billed annually

501 - 1000 vastaajaa

650€ / month

Billed annually

Yli 1000 vastaajaa

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Billed annually

These market leaders use Kiva Work

All this and the service too!

We’re not going to sell you the platform and vanish.

Our success is our customers' success. That's why we offer comprehensive customer service to all our customers. We want you to focus on your area of expertise and Kiva Work and Kiva Customer bring targeted information to support you in your area.

And how does this work?


Kick off meeting

We will go through your needs and objectives and together we will design the implementation model, survey and delivery date.

Depending on your needs we can start planning the annual survey and analytics clock and cover the operating models and concepts more closely.


Testing and user training

We will test the survey together and train all users to our service so that you can use the service independently in your everyday operations.

We will also provide you with a template that can be used directly to inform everyone about the upcoming surveys.


Survey is out!

You'll get the results in real-time in already processed format that is easy to understand and drives real action and recommendations.


Results review with your customer manager

Your customer manager will review the results with all key people and help you to move forward.


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Based on the results, we will make recommendations and work with you to plan the next surveys and the use of analytics in your operations.


You and your customer manager continue the journey!

Your Customer manager is there for you, listening to your needs and providing expert advice, as well as being your development partner and technical support person.

This is where we start or continue to implement the annual plan.

Ready to get started?